人員姓名 |
主要工作職掌 |
會計一組 |
林淑月 一組組長
1.收入帳務處理 2.年度預算作業彙整暨管控 3.校內經費申採購流程簽核 4.薪資清冊覆核 5.各項會議資料 6.公文登記桌 |
1.雲科大/獎補助基本資料庫填報 2.學生就學獎補助款 3.學雜費 4.校內經費請款核銷 5.每月工讀費 |
會計二組 |
曾惠翎 二組組長
1.整體發展獎補助案 2.專案申採購流程簽核 3.每月專案人員薪資請領作業 4.會計二組業務覆核 |
1.各類獎補助專案(以上已專人處理之獎補助案以外之所有專案) 2.國科會計畫 3.整體發展獎補助案請款核銷 4.產學合作案 5.所得稅扣繳申報業務 6.思源翻譯社會計作業處理 7.個資盤點 8.專案決算彙整 |
1.各類獎補助專案(以上已專人處理之獎補助案以外之所有專案) 2.國科會計畫 3.產學合作案 4.學輔經費 5.輔導身心障礙學生補助款 6.高教深耕專案經費帳務處理 7.覆核財產保管報表及對帳事宜 8.專案預算彙整 |
Members |
Responsibilities |
Section1 |
Chief of Section1 Shu-Yueh Lin
1.Deal with Annual Accounts 2.Reexamine the Payments of Employees 3.Deal with Accounting Income Transaction 4..Arrange Meeting Materials 5.Reexamine Works of the First Group of Accounting Office |
Chih-Tsong Tu
1.Deal with Student’s Scholarships and Subsidies 2.Review and Check School Expenditures 3.Review and Check Part-Time Workers 4.Register the School Documents 5.Fill and Submit the Base Database of Scholarships and Subsidies |
Section2 |
Chief of Section2 Hui-Ling Tseng |
1.Deal with Annual Budget Planning 2.Deal with Budgetary Control 3.Deal with MOE Subsidies 4.Apply Salaries of Project Staffs 5.Reexamine Works of the Second Group of Accounting Office |
Wei-Chieh Huang |
1.Deal with MOE subsidy 2.Deal with NSTC Subsidized Research Projects 3.Deal with Accounting Affairs of Szuyuan Translation Service 4.Withhold and File Practice of Individual Income Tax 5.Review and Check Statements of Asset Management |
Shi-Ting Huang |
1.Deal with the Ministry of Education Projects 2.Deal with the NSTC Subsidized Research Projects 3.Requisition of Payment of MOE Subsidies 4.Deal with Industry-University Cooperative Projects and Research Projects 5.Deal with Teaching Excellence Projects |